Salesforce vs Zoho - Which CRM Offers Better Customer Reporting

June 10, 2022

Salesforce vs Zoho - Which CRM Offers Better Customer Reporting

If you are running a business, you know how important it is to keep track of and report on customer interactions. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software is essential for businesses that want to build long-lasting relationships with their customers. Salesforce and Zoho are two of the most popular CRM software solutions offering different features that benefit businesses.

In this blog post, we will focus on comparing the customer reporting capability between Salesforce and Zoho and help you decide which one is a better fit for your business.

Salesforce Customer Reporting

Salesforce is considered one of the most powerful CRMs, widely used by businesses worldwide. It offers a robust and customizable customer reporting tool through its Reports and Dashboards feature that allows you to create detailed reports on customer interactions, sales performance, and marketing campaigns.

Salesforce's reporting feature lets you slice and dice data across different dimensions, including time, geography, and customer behavior. You can choose from pre-built report templates or create custom reports tailored to your business needs.

Salesforce Reports also have a drag-and-drop interface that makes customization easy, with features like sorting, grouping, filtering, and charting. You can share reports across teams or with individuals and schedule them for automatic delivery via email, Chatter, or Salesforce1 mobile app.

Zoho Customer Reporting

Zoho CRM is a powerful and user-friendly CRM solution that offers a wide range of features, including customer reporting. With Zoho Reports, you can create customized reports on customer interactions, sales performance, KPIs, and more.

Zoho Reports offers more than 50 pre-built report templates, including sales, marketing, and finance reports. You can customize these templates or create your own reports using the drag-and-drop interface. Zoho Reports offers a variety of charts and graphs that you can use to visualize data.

Like Salesforce, Zoho Reports allows you to share reports with your team or individuals and schedule automatic report delivery. Zoho reports also offer an AI-powered feature called Zia that offers insights and predictions based on your reports.


When it comes to customer reporting, both Salesforce and Zoho offer robust features that can benefit businesses. Salesforce's reporting is more complicated and requires time to learn, but it makes up for it by offering more customization options. On the other hand, Zoho has a more intuitive reporting feature with more pre-built templates, making it ideal for small businesses or teams with limited resources.

Features Salesforce Zoho
Pre-built Templates
Custom Templates
Charts and Graphs
AI-powered insights


In conclusion, both Salesforce and Zoho offer excellent customer reporting tools that can benefit businesses. Salesforce is more suited for larger businesses with complex reporting needs, whereas Zoho is ideal for small to medium-sized businesses or teams with limited resources. Ultimately, the choice depends on your business needs and budget.

We hope you found this comparison helpful. If you have any other questions or want to explore these CRM solutions further, feel free to reach out to us!


  1. Salesforce Reports & Dashboards []
  2. Zoho Reports []

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